Human Growth and Development PHS

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Parents or Pop Culture?!?

1) Which messages do children listen to the most?
In my opinion children listen to the postive messages form their parents and TV the most. I think this because most children watch tv everyday. In the atricle it says that 77% of children go home and watch TV everyday. Also children are always with their parents, the article also says even though77% of children watch TV each day most of them look up to their parents. Now, some TV shows give off negative messages but i think most children will know not to listen to or do the negative thigs said on TV shows. Also parents always tell their kids about the dangers going on in the world. By telling them this information the child will not want to be involoved in anything negative.

2) Whom do children want to be like?
Like I said in number one most children would love to be like their parents. In the article 65% of children admire people they know. I would also be in that percent and so are most of my friends. If my mom tells me something i take it to heart. For example, my mom told me when i was little the dangers of drugs and alcohol and now i don't even want to touch a cigarette or alcohol.

3) Do their role models vary according to children's ethnicity and gender?
Role models do vary according to ethnicity and in gender. In the article it shows the difference of ethnicities and their role models. Many whites picked people they know. This seems true to me. For example all my role models are people I know. Also most African Americans pick people they know. This also seems true because african americans are always with there families and they always seem very close to one another. Latinos are in between known and unknown role models and most Asian Americans picked unknown role models. Also boys are most likely to pick men role models and girls will pick women role models. For example, four out of my six role models are women.

4) What role can educators play in teaching children about role models they may never have considered?
Educators play a very big role in teaching children about role models they may have never have considered. Educators such as teachers play a big role in teaching students about different role model because they are the ones who help children learn about interesting people. In the article is say that educators can talk about historical figures and authors. Also educators can expose children to interesting people of diiferent gender or race. Doing this will affirm children that their race and gender are worthy of representation . Also it helps children apreciate themselves and the diversity of others. Also coaches in middle and highschools should encourage girls to play sports and should encourage boys to appreciat girls who play sports. This will help girls appreciate themselves and it wil help boys appreciate a different gender other than themselves. As you can see their are many ways teachers/educators can do many things to teach children about role models they may never had considered. That is why Educators play an important role in teaching children about role models they may have never thought of before!


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