Human Growth and Development PHS

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mature Play

List three ways that mature play can be implemented in the classroom? What are the benefits of these?
three ways mature play can be implemented in the classroom are...
- having centers like; reading center, a center where they can play house, and a center where they can write or draw
- have the kids work in groups
- go on weekly field trips
The benefits of my examples are that in centers children and interact with others and since there is more than one center the children change roles throughout them. This makes the centers flexible. Children will start to have a longer attention span because they will have to wait until that centers time is over and start to develop impulse control. In the house center, kids need to have a lot of impulse control because if a kid is "washing" the dishes another kid can't just take one from him because he wants it. Also kids interact a lot because they can't just play house by themselves they need more people to play, this will cause the kids to start talking to each other and they might even become good friends. The kids will also They will also begin to master their literacy skills, like in the reading center they develop a wider vocabulary. In the reading center the kids can have many roles and can do many different things. The kids can either play school or read to each other. The benefits of this is that the kids will develop empathy because they will start to understand how a teacher feels.
When kids work in groups they are also interacting with others and they will also develop better language and social skills. Also they will need impulse control in this example because if they don't like what one kid says they will most likely yell at the person, but they start to learn that that is not ok at school. Also they will learn how to cooperate with others. The teacher most likely will pick the groups and if you don't like a person in your group that doesn't matter you must learn to cooperate with that person. another reason working in groups is mature play is they will learn new problem solving strategies because if another student knows another way to solve a problem and you find it to be easier you will start to use it.
The benefits of the last example is that kids will learn how real life people have different roles at there jobs. For example, a zoo keeper has to feed the animals, wash the animals, and clean their cages. and also the teacher can help the kids point out people in different scenarios. The benefits of going on a feild trip are the students will be curious to know more about the place you went. Also they will learn to develop concentration because if they don't and the teacher asks a question he/she will not know what she is talking about. Also they will have empathy for the people who work at the place they go. And will start to understand different places and professions.
Do you think maddie should play organized soccer?
Relate your reasons why to the notes on Mature Play!
I think maddie should play organized soccer especially if she wants toplay it.I think kids should start sports early because organized sports help you meet new people and even become friends with them and since you can see these people alot they will become your good friends. Even though this isn't technically mature play there are clearly defined rules and it does have a little bit of languange development. I think maddie will have a blast playing organized soccer.


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