Human Growth and Development PHS

Friday, February 02, 2007

Skills for School Readiness- and Life

1) Summarize each part of the article in your own words.
Idependence: Toddlers start working independently and do not allow other children to work with them most of the time and also will start not asking for help from their parents. They also start taking responsibily for their own actions.
Compassion: Toddlers start learning how other people feel by putting themselves in other peoples shoe's. They only know how to express their own feelings.
Trust: Toddlers only know that they can trust the adults they know( relatives and friends parents) , they start to fell protection from them.
Creativity: Toddlers are very creative. They are always exploring things and places. Even the way they play is creative like the way they play house. they are creative because of their imagination.Also their creativity comes from the questions they ask others.
Self-control: Toddlers have little self-control. they haven't learn that they can't always get what they want. They haven't gotten to the age where they need to understand rules yet. They start to have respect for others and their things
Perseverance and Resilience: This is when toddlers start learning cause and effect. They start trying things over and over again until the accomplish the thing they are trying. For example, walking, and toddler is just now starting to walk without help and they are determined to get it right. They want to suceed no matter what it takes.
2) Explain how one of the activities that your group choose to share with the class supports all of the attitudes and behaviors from above.
One activities that supports all but one of the examples from above is house. Children have to be able to trust everyone they are playing with. They have to have self control because they can't change who they are in the game or snatch something they want when someone else is playing with it. Also they have to have creativity because with out it the game will be boring. They have to have compassion because if you don't like the game your playing you will never have any fun. The last thing you have to have when playing house is independence because if someone works by themselves like in a pet store owner and the others haven't made it to that store yet they will have to keep themselves occupied until the others make it to that store.


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