Human Growth and Development PHS

Friday, December 08, 2006

Nature vs. Nurture

My belief about nature vs. Nurture is that both of them impact you greatly. I think you are born with two different thoughts. For example, your are born with the thoughts drugs are band and drugs are good. You need someone to tell you what to think about drugs. For example, your mom keeps telling you that drugs are bad and since you trust you mom you will now begin to say and know drugs are bad for you and you shouldn't do them. But also even if your mom keeps telling you drugs are bad and then your friend asks you to smoke it is up to YOU to make the decision, should i do it or not! Those are my beleifs about nature vs. nurture.

I think a prenatal child is impacted more by nurture, but a one year old is impacted by both nature and nuture equally. I think a prenatal child is impacted by nurture more because this is when if a mother smokes or drinks when she is pregnant then the child can be born addicted to nicatine and can do drugs when older. Also i think a one year old is impacted by both equally because it can be born with thoughts but by the way their parents act around the baby it can learn its personality or what its does for when it is older. that is why i think a prenatal child is impacted more by nurture but a one year old is impacted by both equally!

Nurture has impacted alot of my life. I have learned how i act and what to do from my mom and dad. Both my parents were very open with me at a young age. Anything I asked my parents they would give me the answer. For example, they told me that drugs are bad and i have seen how things like drugs can ruin a persons life. For example my old neighbor would do drugs out side and she looked and acted horrible. also they told me that cussing isn't cool and I don't cuss. as you can see nurture as a great impact on my life so it can have a impact on other people's life too. that is why i act the way i do.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Journal Entry #4

1. My reaction to Mr. Orsini's talk was shocked and interested because i learned so many new things about teaching kids with disablilties. i did not it took so long for a kid with disabilities to learn how to tie their shoes. that really suprised me.

2. yes i do have intrest in teaching children with learning disabilities i think it would be a great oppurtunity and career.

3. children with disabilities can learn everything we do, but they have to learn it at a very slow pace over and over again.